
The Spectra Sonic Sound

I love the idea of infrasound weapons.  Infrasound, for those unaware, are sounds not heard by the ears, but felt by the body.  Deep bass notes are one of the most easily understood of these things.  They can induce feelings of panic in subjects and even cause the bowels to evacuate. 

Infrasounds can also be high-pitched, repetitive and so on.  They have been none to induce sleep, deprive one of sleep and even cause sickness.  Experiments have shown that certain frequencies cause the eyeballs to vibrate, which in turn causes a distortion of sight that induces "hallucinations."

It's no surprise that the military and police are developing weapons (crowd control, if you will) that utilize infrasound.  (I had read one study on the possible uses of infrasound where it was speculated that the sounds could be used to vibrate the molecules of the body enough to effectively "microwave" the subject's blood.  Brilliant.)

Sound as weapon is not a new concept.  It's been used in various forms for centuries.  War cries, as a way to instill panic, is a lesser form of a sound weapon.  Infrasound is end product -- the destruction of an opponent without ever firing a bullet or destroying buildings in a bomb blast.  It is a "clean" weapon.  It even can be targeted by age.  How perfect is that?

Sound to induce emotions has been effectively used in movies for decades.  The Exorcist was one of the first (at least that I know of) that really went out of its way to use sound (and subliminal images) to induce terror.  Irreversible is another that uses sound (pay careful attention to the scene in the gay night club) to induce nausea.

The capacity to use sound as a weapon, as an aid for artistic endeavors, and for uses yet unheard of is fascinating to the core.  It is part of the future of warfare and of domestic control.  Remember this: If it can be used against you by a force, it can also be used against them.  Keep that in mind the next time you find your home surrounded by police. 

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