
Day 25: California Under Martial Law Lite (Politicians)

Humboldt, as of Saturday, went four days without a new person testing positive for Covid-19, a backbone, or common sense.

The government is counting on the latter two, and is just praying enough people don't die so that once they figure out a way to get the economy going under this new system there will be enough wage slaves left in the game to make it work.

I've often said that actions are far more important than words, and I believe it. Watch people's actions compared to their words, and you'll understand their motives. Now it is apparent with our elected officials. The doctors and scientists who correctly stated what must be done to stop the spread of the coronavirus here in Humboldt and other places were right. The government has, of course, leapfrogged onto that and went further. In Humboldt, Dr. Frankovich, our Health Officer, declared that unapproved businesses must shut down. A craft store could stay open because people needed that for their self-employment. Go inside, though, and it's a madhouse.

What good has this done? We can say it seemingly stopped the spread of coronavirus (for now), but that fallacy is apparent to anyone who squints. We can also say that people really blindly accepted their livelihoods being ripped from them without rioting in the streets. $1,200 is seemingly enough to quell the anger. We have our price, but I don't even think we needed the stimulus to prove it.

$1,200 is nothing for the government to spend to experiment on your thresholds for Constitutional abuses.

Where do we go from here, though? Obviously, a problem exists. A problem that won't be stopped anytime soon. Washing your hands, keeping away from strangers, and not licking toilet seats is all good. In fact, it may have been all that was needed. The media and government have done a lot to scare people. A sneeze can infect you from two aisles away! Lockdown may last until a vaccine is found! The virus can live on your shoe, sneak into your home that way, and kill you all!

What will it be, Frankovich and the others who have too much power in their little hands? How far will you push things? How far can you go before the $1,200 isn't enough to quell the anger? What will you do about the people who can't be bought? Jail? Execution (as has been discussed in some countries)?

Small businesses are the backbone of America? The government is here for the people? Squint and you will see that something isn't quite right.

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