
Day 22: California Under Martial Law Lite (Last In Line For The Gangbang)

Yesterday found Humboldt experiencing its second day in a row with no new positive cases of Covid-19. Good news. Really good news. But there was a bigger news story that eclipsed it, and if you know Humboldt, it makes sense.

Chipotle opened in Eureka.

Now, I know what you're thinking: Eureka has a ton of great authentic Mexican restaurants and food trucks. Why would anyone be excited about Chipotle, which is about as Mexican as Taco Bell or Jack in the Box tacos? It makes no sense!

Oh, you silly moron. It makes total sense. It also makes total sense that the line for the drive through was backed up beyond belief. Yes, apparently we have a drive through with our Chipotle. I know. Contain your excitement.

Chipotle was one of three restaurants people were really excited to be getting. In 'n' Out and Mod Pizza were the other two. In 'n' Out had the wherewithal to actually postpone its opening because of that little coronavirus. I have no idea what Mod's plan is, but Chipotle said, "Fuck that." It opened anyway. You can order online! At the drive through! How thrilling! I'm betting that every single person who was actually excited about that place opening has blood that traces back to Europe. There's no reason to be excited otherwise. I have never eaten at one, but I stepped inside the place once in Oregon, saw the menu and immediately left. The word "mediocre" came to mind.

I heard people were keeping their physical distance (I no longer want to call it social distancing -- it reeks of brainwashing) from each other. So, I guess that was good. I can't help but wonder, however, if over the next two weeks we will see an increase in the numbers of people testing positive for Covid-19. If so, I can't directly tie it to Chipotle, but I will forever do my best to make sure people connect the two.

Just wait until In 'n' Out opens.

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