
Day 5: California Under Martial Law Lite (A Nation Down For The Count)

I barely ventured outside the house yesterday. Never once went off the property. That said, we had a man doing landscape work, and he broke the social distancing guidelines, which caused me a moment of worry. Funny how quickly I've become acclimated.

I also heard sirens yesterday for the first time since this began. It was jarring.

I tried to do things to take my mind off the turmoil. Finished reading Haunted Hideout. It sucked. Worked on my blog and next novel. Cleaned the cat litter. Played Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights. But mostly did a lot of waiting and thinking . . . followed by worrying. I haven't been to work in too many days, but not because I don't want to be there, but because given the situation we have found ourselves under, I can't. I'm one of the lucky ones who has enough sick leave to cover this, but the sick leave won't last forever. Neither should this isolation.

If there's a lesson to take from "28 Days Later," it is how friendly the military was in this situation.
It seems like as days drag on, California winds down more and more. The president continues to rattle nonsense, and our politicians are doing what politicians do in these situations, but California seems to have gone the route of New York in many ways and is leading the way on how to deal with this. Of course, there are quite a few people who figure they know what is best and show a lack of caring about anyone else. But that is to be expected from the idiots. Hopefully they will die off quickly.

When Covid-19 first started becoming newsworthy I joked that it wouldn't kill off enough of the dumb people. That's still a concern. Weed out the willfully ignorant and the self-obsessed and the next time this kind of thing happens it will be easier to contain.

I also read that die-hard racists are looking to weaponize the virus. These followers of James Mason, who admires Charles Manson, want to use the virus to attack minorities and people like the FBI. See? Everyone is adjusting to this new life. They are making the virus fit into their lifestyle in ways that  works for them. Just like the left is using it as an example of social inequality. Everyone wins, right?

I don't know how much longer I'll continue this blog, as the days bleed into one another with very little way to distinguish them from each other. Does anyone care? I'm not sure. We're all dealing with things. We're all fighting our demons. Some more than others.

I started reading Burn, Baby, Burn last night. I would normally really be into a novel of its type (i.e., a mother sets out to kill her child), but I am finding it depressing. I had to call it a night after a few chapters. I'm not even sure if now is the time to continue it.

We'll see what today brings. Tuesday. What new fake news will surface? Which friends will fall for it? Who will make stupid jokes? What new moronic behavior will come to light? Time will tell, but I wonder if when our numbers of dead are increasing at an Italian-style rate, will people start to figure out just what they've done? Or will they remain ignorant, licking toilet seats and wrestling at the beach?

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