
Day 23: California Under Martial Law Lite (Party For Your Right To Fight)

Humboldt reached another new milestone. No. In 'n' Out didn't open yet. It's nothing that exciting or important. It was just the third day with no new positive cases of Covid-19, and to celebrate, people went out and hit up Safeway all that the same time.

Safeway has been doing its share to keep its customers and employees safe in this uncertain time. They are professional signs on the floor saying to keep six feet apart, unlike the blue tape in other lesser establishments. Their employees sometimes wipe down the cart handles. There's Saran Wrap over the pin pad at the checkout. They aren't limiting the amount of people in the store at any given time, as when I was there it was a mad house, and Safeway's narrow aisles ensure that standing six feet apart is as impossible as living off $1,200 until this crisis passes.

While shopping at Safeway you will often hear inoffensive '80s music, but now there are bonus Big Brother-like announcements to respect "social distancing," fear everyone, and trust the government. Well, they don't go that far, but they may as well. After all, this crisis has proven to be a wonderful testing ground for a social experiment in isolation. How well will people just obey and not question? The answer is: easily.

"I could infect you with Covid-19, and you'd still vote for me."
I believe in listening to the scientists and doctors, seeing what happened in other countries, and then disregarding the government, which is proving that actions speak louder than words. The government is blatant in what it is doing, and while it tries to paint its actions with a nice, glossy finish, all it takes is two minutes of reading to understand what is important in this country . . . and it ain't you.

If this all ends, life as normal shouldn't continue. It needs to be better, and we need to be smarter, and it all starts with ensuring this never happens again. Businesses need to treat their employees better. Money must be earmarked to science, and scientists and doctors must not be disregarded. And those idiots babbling about 5G, the Deep State, and hoaxes? They need to relegated to the dustbin of history. Make it fun. Make it funny. And get rid of idiocy wherever you find it.

Three days without a new case in Humboldt. How long until we blow it?

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