
Day 11: California Under Martial Law Lite (Pigs In Zen)

We had to do our weekly shopping yesterday, which is not even enjoyable when there isn't a shelter in place order. When custom dictates that stores only let so many people in at the same time, and that shoppers should stay six feet apart it gets downright unpleasant. Why? Despite taped lines on the floor showing six feet, people can't seem to stay the fuck back. While shopping, there are no lines to denote the six foot space, so WinCo has put up signs stating that the six feet distance means staying away from people the distance equal to at least two shopping carts. That seems pretty easy to follow. I don't know why a large portion of Humboldt has such a hard fucking time with that.

Maybe they're just ignorant.

You're too close!
Some shoppers get it. They are the ones who when they pass you give you an uneasy smile, the same smile you'd get if you were talking to someone at a party and the conversation is going well and then the light hits you just right and reveals that you have a herpes sore on your lip. Yeah, that's the kind of look you get in the store when people have to pass you and they understand the six feet rule. Others don't even bother, They just cozy up right next to you to get the best cilantro they can find. 

Things have calmed a bit here in Humboldt, however, when it comes to the stores. Where shelves looked barren last week, this week you can actually find things like paper towels and toilet paper. It's partially because hoarders have stopped most of the hoarding, and also because this is becoming normal. Sheltering in place becoming normalized is a bad thing, though. It sets us up for regular social isolation and lets us be divided and conquered far more easily. It is something that can very easily be used by a government that wants to control its population. I'm not saying the coronavirus is a hoax, but I am saying that I believe governments at the very least are watching how we react to it and filing that information away for future use.

On a sadder note, as an essential employee I have to go back to work on Wednesday. This means these daily updates may just happen every few days. I'm not sure how many people are reading them, either. I think everyone is tiring of virus coverage . . . and that also denotes a new normal. If you have been reading them and want me to continue daily, let me know in the comments section, and I'll do my best to continue. For the rest of you, stay six feet away from me in WinCo. I don't need whatever germs you're carrying.

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