
A Snowflake Exposed to Flame

The conservative, MAGA hat wearing crowd loves to throw this term "snowflake" around whenever a "libtard," as they so eloquently call them, is offended by something they spew. I get it. Liberals get offended ... easily. So easily, in fact, that it is too easy to do and therefore the sport of morons. But what else would you expect from the intellectual brain trust that uses a term like "libtard"?

(In full disclosure, I have both liberal and conservative tendencies, as I think most rational people do, and mine are a mixture of both the original definitions of the words and the current ones. I'll let you decided where you think I reside, though don't be surprised if I don't care.)

When the Trumpets throw that "snowflake" term around they do it without a hint of irony or self-awareness. They do it without realizing that they are snowflakes, too. And the things they get upset about are just as, if not moreso, ridiculous.

People using bathrooms that don't conform to the genitalia between their legs. Starbucks coffee cups that don't use the word "Christmas." Pronouns. Merely discussing gun control. Athletes and movie stars with political opinions with which they don't agree. The list goes on and on, and shows a distinct lack of originality.

What I perceive as truth is: If you are easily offended, you aren't very intelligent. That goes for all sides of the political spectrum. I've seen it in capitalists, anarchists, socialists, communists, and so on. What I've always noticed is that the most easily offended are often the ones who don't really think about things too much. They react. They aren't introspective. They don't delve too deeply into the issues. Their opinions come from what a like-minded source of information tells them to think. They are on autopilot, and it shows to anyone who is paying attention.

The only problem is that the Trump bots are far better at calling people names than the "libtards." Maybe it's time to throw it back and see how it sticks.

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